Warp Five 9: From Voyager to Enterprise / by Trek fm

Robert Duncan McNeill.

Star Trek has a history of allowing actors to direct episodes. Often this comes in the form of a dual role on a specific series, but also familiar faces from one incarnation of Star Trek have gone on to helm stories in later installments. One such case is Robert Duncan McNeill, who not only gave us brilliant performances as Tom Paris but also brought a wonderful creative vision to both Voyager and Enterprise. In this episode of Warp Five hosts Christopher Jones and Kate Walsh are joined by Robbie to discuss the process of directing Enterprise, how he drew upon experience as an actor and director on Voyager, and about the overall artistic challenges and rewards of directing television. 


Running Time: 52 minutes 16 seconds


Christopher Jones and Kate Walsh



Robert Duncan McNeill



Recapturing Vulcan
Casting Jolene Blalock
T'Pol Onscreen
Favourite T'Pol Moments
The Evolution of T'Pol


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