The 602 Club 366: Seriously?! / by Matthew Rushing

Rocky IV: Rocky vs. Drago.

Running Time: Running Time: 1 hour 12 minutes

Over the years there have been many director's cuts of movies that have come out from Star Wars to Batman v Superman to Terminator 2 to Apocalypse Now, each one's reception unique with the public.

In this episode of The 602 Club hosts Matthew Rushing and Christy Morris welcome back John Mills to talk about Sylvester Stallone's director's Cut, Rocky IV: Rocky vs. Drago. We discuss a new cut, baggage, hubris, change, being the change, Brigitte Nielsen, Paulie, the wives, more humanity, the music, our ratings and recommendations.


A New Cut (00:03:56)
Baggage (00:14:47)
Hubris (00:22:12)
Change (00:29:45)
Being the Change (00:38:02)
Brigitte Nielsen (00:41:58)
Paulie (00:44:48)
The Wives (00:46:55)
More Humanity (00:50:22)
The Music (00:52:04)
Ratings (00:57:53)
Recommendations (01:03:51)


Matthew Rushing


Christy Morris


John Mills


Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Associate Producer) Davis Grayson (Associate Producer) Daniel Noa (Associate Producer) Ryan Maillet (Associate Producer)

