Rick Berman

Commentary: Trek Stars 76: The Berman Cube by Trek fm

Rick Berman.

It could be argued that, with the exception of Gene Roddenberry, no one has played a bigger role in shaping the Star Trek franchise than Rick Berman.

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Max and Mike take a look at the choices Berman made on a conceptual level, and how they influenced the direction of the franchise. We discuss how he balanced Roddenberry's vision with Michael Piller's creativity on The Next Generation, the choice to set Deep Space Nine on a station, whether or not Voyager was designed to replicate TNG, and the reason why Enterprise was always destined to take place on a starship. We also look at how the fans' view of Berman's contribution has changed with distance.

Running Time: 44 minutes 28 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel



Rick Berman
The Next Generation
Deep Space Nine
The Movies
Final Thoughts


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